I am resuming in-person sessions this week. Perfect spring photography weather has arrived in Vermont! There are signs of spring everywhere and Vermont Spring Photos are some of my favorites!
Today I’m sharing my favorite 2021 Vermont Signs of Spring Photos.
This year more than usual, photographing the signs of spring life returning has brought hope and a grounded feeling. I love to watch for a crocus poking up through last fall’s maple leaves. So, when I saw this early one morning in March, I dropped everything (a homeschool perk!) and ran outside with my camera.
First Crocuses!
For a few minutes it was just me flopped down on a dog towel in the front yard with my camera. Fully present. Connecting with the light and the change of seasons. Taking a break from business planning, educating my children and pandemic worries.

My direct client work paused when Vermont was classified as high risk for COVID last November. I dove into behind the scenes work — updating my backup storage system, rebuilding my website and updating my business plan.
On cold winter days, I prepared for spring photo sessions by updating my workflow and client experience. I invested in new gear and the time to get to know it well! I participated in photography workshops, connected with my coach and wondered when I would be able to get vaccinated.
I’m at about the halfway mark with my vaccinations and feel like I’m coming back to life! Until I’m fully vaccinated, I’ll be masked. I’m looking forward to summer sessions using a variety of lenses (not just the socially distant variety!) and not needing to use my “teacher voice” from a distance through my mask. (I will, however, be happy to do so, if you are more comfortable. No questions asked.)
The Robins are Busy!
Robins on the snow fence are a sure sign that spring has arrived and nature is right on schedule!

Spring Greens are Here!
The little flowers on this plant radiate life and spring and renewal. They are growing slowly and steadily, preparing for their role in the ecosystem near my home. I can relate because I’ve been preparing all winter too!

We are Emerging from a Dark Winter.
In late April, I noticed the light shining through these barely emerging leaves. There is new life and bright light finding its way back into our lives.

The Geese are Back!
Not much sounds better than one of my kids saying, “Mom! Quick! Get your camera. You’ve got to see this!” That’s just what happened when the Canada Geese returned for their annual spring visit.

The Geese are back. My new camera bag is packed. The grass is green. And, we are (probably) done with snow for a few months.
With Mud Season behind us, Mother Nature is ready with a gentle breeze and Vermont is quickly moving to Green Mountain State show off mode.
The Crabapples are Showing Off!
The crabapple trees are about to pop. Here’s a glimpse of the first bud to open in my front yard.

Families are reconnecting. After months of separation, many are reaching out to schedule a professional photographer to capture those moments of reconnection.
I’m ready to capture the stories and connections that are important to you and yours in this season of renewal and reunion.
Reach out today to secure a session spot! Sign up for my monthly newsletter so we can keep in touch. Find me on Instagram!
I look forward to meeting you, friend.
Very nice Kate.You go girl.